Saturday, December 31, 2011

Becoming - In a new year

Last night I chose my word for the One Little Word project -


Becoming a better person in many ways

1. spiritually - becoming more Christ - like
2. financially - becoming stable and secure
3. mother - becoming the best I can be to both of my kids
4. grandmother - becoming the active grandparent in their lives.
5. Friend -becoming someone they can count on to be there both in good times and bad.

The thoughts of losing Claudia, knowing that her daughter and family stood right beside her until the end, the friendship she had with all of us - not ever meeting us, the kindness in her heart, among many other attributes has made me decided to become a better person. Now knowing she is gone - I know that is the word for me. I am honored to have known such a wonderful woman even tho I never met her in person. Claudia had a heart as big as anyone that I have ever know. She was generous with her time and talents - sent boxes to Operation Write Home, sent inspiring and uplifting emails if she read sadness in someone's post - just a Real Live Angel.

Claudia's spirit lives on in her family but especially in her daughter Melissa. Getting to know Missy these past few weeks, I can see why she has always been proud of her daughter. Missy is a strong person - there when she was needed - holding up the family and stepping into her mother's shoes. Love ya girlfriend.

This has been a hard year for me with losing my job, decline in my health, financial and family issues just to name a few. I feel that part of the reason this is happening is due to my failure to look UP. Instead I have had a negative attitude and feeling sorry for myself. Its time to hitch up the boot straps and get on with living to the best of my ability. But in doing so not to forget to always LOOK UP AND THANK GOD FOR ALL THE TRIALS AND BLESSINGS IN MY LIFE on a daily basis.

My Grandmother passed away 30 years ago on New Year's Eve and it wasn't until her passing did we know that she did not like New Years Eve and what it stood for. She was a survivor of the World War II, a wife and mother - but it meant she was getting another year older. So it was fitting that she passed before the New Year

New Year's will always be a tribute to these 2 beautiful women who went to Heaven to prepare a place for the rest of us. I don't look at it as dying, but moving to a new home. That is the way my other Grandma Elsie always told us - "I am not dying, I am moving to my other home".

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve

WOW! I can't believe it is finally here. I just took the tree skirt off the bottom of the tree to sweep around it and so much grit and hair from the dogs fell off. Into the washer it went - since all the gifts have been taken to my mothers, I thought - lets just take down the tree. But I will not be all humbug till tomorrow night! I am so ready to have my house back to normal (what ever that is)!

I finished the album for my roommate and she looked at it and said Thank You - its beautiful. She is really depressed as she hasn't heard from her children. Her birthday was the 10th and now with Christmas - its their loss.

Prayers and good wishes to all the friends and family.

Gratitude List:

1. My family and that we are going to be together tomorrow to celebrate His birth
2. My health is improving - getting feeling back in my face
3. Christmas is almost over - the commercial side of it
4. Going to Candle light services tonight to honor our Savior
5. My family and friends both near and far

Friday, December 23, 2011

Gratitude List and Holiday Decorations

Today's Gratitude List

1. The sun is shining and the weather is warm
2. I have food in the house
3. I have finished all the Christmas gifts, wrapped and ready to take to parents.
4. I have a roof over my head
5. I have my health even tho I struggle with some things - fibro, asthma, etc.

Today is a clean, sweep and mop day. I started to do it yesterday and ran out of steam quickly so I headed to my craft room and played. Made another little album - have to get the pictures to complete.

Here are some Holiday Decoration in my neighborhood as well as the trees from the mall.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Gratitude and 2012 Goals

Firstly I want to start out with what I am Grateful for at this time:

1. My Salvation
2. My Parents
3. My Children and my Grandchildren
4. My Dogs that love unconditional and have taught me how to love myself.
5. My friends and extended family that I have over at 2Peas. There are so many loving and talented ladies that I am happy to have as an extended part of my family.

So with all that in mind - my goals for 2012 are J.O.Y


I want to spend more time in the Word and in Prayer and with other who share the love of the Lord.

Others - honor and lift them up and be kind. Go back to the Golden Rule

Yourself - treat myself as a person - work through the depression and weight issues. Take care of myself and quit worrying about what others think. Know that I Matter to God!

I hope and pray that everyone has a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Sunday, December 18, 2011


I have been a slacker due to the allergic reaction to a medication the doctor put me on. My neck is swollen and tight, numb and tingling and constant pain. I can't turn my head to the right without severe pain.

Praying that it is better by Christmas. They said the medication will have to work out of my system. It was a steroid and a C-pack where you take 6, then 5, then 4, etc. I had gotten down to the 4th day when I quit taking them. So basically I have 2 weeks worth in my system.


Monday, December 12, 2011


Here is the album/portfolio I made with the help of Kathy from Paper Phenomenon.

Front Cover

Holiday Book

Firstly - wanted to show you why I can't put presents under the tree - My Baby Boy! If I put anything under the tree he pushes it away. Normally the other doxie is there with him.

Friday, December 9, 2011


I haven't been feeling well so I went to the doctor yesterday and I am having another bout of bronchitis. I remember now why I hate taking steroids. I have been up ALL night. I have a Christmas Luncheon to go to today so there is no way that I can sleep. I am calling the doctor to see if I can take the darn things at night - I am up during the day anyway. It is one of those where you take 6 one day, then 5, then 4 till you reach the last day of taking 1.

I have my portfolio to finish, 2 matchbook albums to make, 2 wedding portfolio albums to make and I haven't done squat for my DD. I think that will turn into my annual Christmas one that I put the family pictures in. I need to be more organized. I was much better when I was working. I had a handle on time management. Oh yeah - I am also making plastic canvas place mats for my mother. How many days till Christmas?

Gotta get off from here and get started on the day.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

A Jesus Advent Celebration

A Jesse Tree Journey is a wonderful book to unwrap more of his Love. Check it out at . There is a link to the book on the right side.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Cards and more cards


Another one of Christine's

Not sure who's made the rest of these: Bad Hostess didn't check before tossing the envelope and the crafter didn't sign them!

More cards

Another one from GoBucks

One from Christine58

More cards from the swap

This is the 2nd card I made

These are from the other ladies in the swap - aren't they awesome

This is one that GoBucks made to honor her mother

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Red Bird

I have always loved Cardinals (guess being from Missouri helps) and to honor a dear person's mother, my mother and grandmother I made this card/ornament for a swap over at 2Peas. Sorry the picture isn't the best - I put it on my table on a piece of cardstock so you can get the idea.

I will post the other cards in the swap later.