Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Friday, January 11, 2008


I received the word for the scripture challenge and it is "Faith". I have asked for guidance in order to find the right scripture and idea to scrap. So far I have searched and have not come up with a verse - have several that I have notated - but the one hasn't jumped out at me yet.

I did apply for the other apartment complex and was accepted so I will be moving the weekend of the 26th. I have started collecting boxes and will be packing every spare minute I have. So if I don't post - that is why!

Friday, January 4, 2008

Let Her Eat Cake

Last night I worked on some of my scrapping projects. One of them was my youngest granddaughters first birthday party. She will be 2 on January 31st so I thought I should at least get her first birthday done before her 2nd! Can you say I am a little behind.

The left one is of the area we decorated. It turned colder than expected and couldn't have it in the yard so we decorated the neighbors porch. We hung tarps to block the wind. The right side one is her eating her cake.
As you can tell - my scrapping style is simple. I have tons of embellishments and have decided for many reasons that I will not buy anymore items until I use up some of the things I have. The only thing allow is adhesives.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

My Goals for 2008

I wanted to post my goals for 2008. I started off with 5 and now have 6 that I really want to work on.

2008 Goals

1. Give God what is right – not what is left. Set up a budget putting God first and working to pay off all debt by end of the year.

2. Devote time every day for Gods word and communicating with God. Tuning out every thing except his voice in this still time.

3. Stop letting other people decide my happiness. Work on controlling my anger and be the type of person that is pleasing to God – Not Wal-Mart personnel or what ever career path I am lead down.

4. Scrap the spiritual challenge on Faith Sisters plus work on back log of pictures. Realize it is ok to toss some of them – because the memories will be there.

5. Strengthen my relationship with my family. Including re-locating and de-cluttering and making the residence a home.

6. Learn to be a better listener and more pro-active instead of re-active.

Happy New Year

As we are leaving the year 2007 and entering the year 2008 - at the store we are starting to prepare for inventory. Counting the current stock - reducing holiday "leftovers", reports to be turned in and stats to be updated and inventory to be discontinued and returned.

As I am mentally preparing myself for these tasks, I thought to myself - why not apply the same prinicples in our life. What a perfect time to do it. Set aside some time to examine and evaluate not only our homes but also our "personal" lives. What needs to be discontinued - things causeing clutter in our lives - friends that bring you down, items in your home that you don't "love" and therefore are a chore to take care of, etc.

What was missing in 2007 that you want to be a part of 2008? More scrapbooking, going back to school, finding your sole mate, renewing your relationship with God (or whomever you worship).

I challenge you to set a minimum of 5 goals for this coming year. Record them on a index card and stick them in a place you will see them daily. I plan to put mine on my mirror, another copy in my bible, another next to the coffee pot and one in my car. These are places that I am on a daily basis and will continue to see them.

Having goals in front of you - instead of locked away in your brain - where others can see them - gives you an instant cheering squad and that will be a motivator. Feel free to post them here so we can support each other as well.

Here's to a successful - Happy New Year