Thursday, July 1, 2010

A Worry List

Today's bible study was on Matthew 6:25-34 which is so fitting for me. I am a habitual worrier. I worry about the little things as well as the larger things. With that in mind - the author of the study suggests:

1. Start a worry list - write down all the things that you are worried about. The bills, the children and grandchildren, your job, your health, the future in general.

2. Turn your worry list into a prayer list Ask the Lord to work in those situations you're concerned about. Pray specifically for your needs and depend on him.

3. Turn your prayer list into an action list. If you have any insight that there is something you can do about your cares, do it. As we turn our worries into prayer and actions - Paralyzing anxiety can be replaced by concern for the responsibilities of life.

Why not start your list right now. I have.