Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Wow - I can't believe it has been over 2 months since I last posted.  Tons of things have happened -

The family was reunited to my Great Nephew who we last saw when he was 6ish and he is now 20 and grown up.

My mom was placed in a Private Nursing Home for ALZ patients.  She has adjusted better that we expected.  Still miss her terribly but she is only a few blocks away and I can go see her whenever I want.

My life is far from settled down - I am back on the med's thank God.  I have decided to move out of the house that is causing me so many health issues and move in with dear ole Dad and try to help him out both financially and to have company.  I may not always be the best company - but the dogs will keep him going too!

So with that being said - I wanted to share a decision with all of you.  Several people including my neighbor who I adore as a good friend - have told me in the last few weeks that I am way to patient and giving to my family and friends and that I need to take some time for me.  Do things that I want to do - like get back to my crafting, go walking to build up my lungs and lose weight, etc.

I have always chosen a word for the year to work on - so this year I am choosing the word:


I am going to do things for me and work on rebuilding me. I am making an appointment for a mani/pedi/eyebrow waxing the last week of the month,  then I am going to go to one of the local stores for a cosmetic make over and get my hair styled/colored or whatever.  I am also starting a new healthy eating and fitness program.  I also would like to get my dental work finished and new dentures that fit/

I plan on making changes to the blog as well - no more pity party posts - more organizing, balancing life, budgeting (which I stink at and need to do badly), planner addictions, crafting, etc. Topic ideas are welcome.

Thanks for hanging with me and here is to a New Year of Blessings and Happiness - Welcome 2014 you can't get here fast enough for me.

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