Saturday, January 4, 2014

Happy "NEW" Year

Firstly a huge thank you goes out to Diann and Linda for helping all of us grow our blogs.

I am looking forward to a new year, a new me and definite new friends.

Since my last post, I packed the mold filled house I was living in, moved, had 2 separate Christmas Celebrations with the family and slept in the New Year.  (Not as young as I used to be).

Stay tuned for some new and exciting posts on making your Days E-Z!


Diann said...

Hi Denise! thanks for joining my Social Network Party. I am your newest follower (via GFC). I hope you are having fun meeting new bloggers!

Denise said...

Thanks Diann - I am have a blast and looking forward to meeting tons of people

Tammy said...

Hi there Denise! I've found my way here via the TTG Social Network Party. I'm following your blog and hope you take the time to read and follow my new blog. Let's share our new adventures and make new friends together! Have a happy day my friend!