Thursday, June 13, 2013

A little information about the header picture

This is the house that my mom and her siblings were born and raised in.  There are many fond memories and stories that have been told about this home.  It was located on 6th ditch in Parma, Missouri.  That meant we were the 6th ditch from town.  Now when you think of a ditch - they are shallow little "ponds".  These ditches were huge and very deep, with steep banks.

Growing up the roads were not paved - so when cars flew down them they would throw pebbles in your yard and stir up the dust.  I remember Grandma making us "Youngun's water down the road in front of the house to cut down on some of the dirt.

Shortly before my Grandfather passed away, the top story of the house was removed.  I remember stories of my Uncle Eugene catching mice as a kid, tying a hanky on them and tossing them out the attic windows.  The old barn cats would be waiting down on the ground for them.

Fast forward to early March 2000 the day before my Grandma passed away - the old homestead and the smaller house next door burnt to to ground.  My Uncle, Aunt and I drove by the farm on the way to the funeral.  It was closing a chapter in my life - Grandpa and Grandma had moved to their new home and for reasons that no one knows why - their old one burnt down.  All I remember is the laughter and love that were part of my memories of that house.

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