Sunday, July 5, 2009

Happy Day after the 4th

Celebration is officially over - at least the 4th - but we must remember to celebrate our military currently serving, served in the past and those who laid their life down for our freedom. Never forget those either.

Since this is based on my organizing I thought that I would share some tips with all of you.

I recently moved from an apartment into a house with a pool. What a difference all the room can make. I don't have enough furniture to fill the rooms yet. How nice is that.

Anyway - I must stress the importance of marking the boxes as you pack them. I did basic generic marking such as kitchen and how I wish I would have been more specific such as kitchen - pots and pans, etc. But what made things worse we the boxes I used had been used to move into the apartment, then my parents used them and we had markings all over them. In a case like that I would suggest using the boxes upside down and have all the new marking on the bottom which now is the top of the box! That has been a time consuming project of unpacking.

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